September 16: James 1:5-6
Key Verse: James 1:5
If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him.
How many times do you ask for things around your birthday or around Christmas time when you just know you are not going to get it! Is it wrong to continue trying to ask for it? Well, you have to think about what it is that you are asking for...
Too many times in our lives we get carried away with the things we lust after rather than the things we actually need in our lives. We seek for those things which we think will make us happy – even if it is just for a few hours! We seek things because others may already have them... We seek things because someone else has said how good it would be to have one... What we should be doing is seeking for those things in our lives which we actually need!
But when you asked for that ridiculous thing just before your birthday, did you get told off? Did you get into trouble just for asking for it? Or were you politely told it would not be likely that you would get it! Your parents are not out to make your life a misery by keeping things from you forever; because of their love for you, they actually go out of their way sometimes to get you something special – even when they do not think it is too wise! But if you are not going to be honest with your parents, or hide secrets from them, then you are probably not likely to receive those special gifts at all!
God wants us to be honest with Him; to be open about what is going on in our lives. To be secretive and dishonest is not going to get you very far with your parents... even if you are able to hide things from them! But when it comes down to you and God, nothing you do or say will hide the truth from Him. Instead, all it is showing is that you cannot be trusted! If that is how you want to be known, then how is God ever going to trust you with anything? He wants to know that when you receive things from Him, you will not only look after them, but acknowledge it is Him who has supplied you with your treasures! Knowing that God will always answer your prayers is the best thing about your relationship with Him!
Points to Ponder:
What sort of things do you ask your friends to do for you?
If you can trust your friends with secrets, why not take them to God?
Friday 16 Sep 2016
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