Monday 19 Sep 2016

September 19: Proverbs 15:12

Key Verse: Proverbs 15:12
A scoffer does not love one who corrects him, Nor will he go to the wise.

Have you ever noticed that people are strange! No matter how much we think we know people, they always seem to be able to come up with something even more outrageous than we thought they could! Be it something which is just plain weird, something you never imagined they could do, or something that just goes beyond normal; someone will always be able to surprise you. What would you think of a person who started to be kind to you and you thought they were trying to make friends. You would probably allow them a little closer. But if they started to bad mouth you behind your back, or do things against you when you were not around, then you would think twice about their act of friendship. You may even confront them and find out what they are up to.

On the other side of the coin, when a friend comes up to you and asks you to do something which out of the ordinary, you would probably have a go at doing it – so long as it would not get you into trouble. They may ask you to help them out with another friend, or maybe they want a shoulder to cry on – whatever it is, because they are a true friend, you will probably take some time out of you schedule to help them out.

I challenge you to think about your relationship with Christ as being similar to the two instances above. If Christ knows you then He is willing to listen to you and to do things which you may well think He may not. He does this because of His love for you. He is not going to do things which are not righteous and He will not allow you to do things which will end up with you being separated from Him – but He may well surprise you with what He does do in your life!

But if you are just going to keep up the appearance of being a Christian without giving your life back to Him, then He may well be turning His back on you when you least expect it! If you are not going to be totally honest with Christ about your relationship with Him, then do you really expect Him to keep up the relationship? God is Forgiving. God is Loving. God is Caring. God is Holy. But God is Just! He will not bend the rules or string you along – even when you do!

Points to Ponder:
Are you always honest with your friends?

Are you always honest with God?