Sunday 18 Sep 2016

September 18: Proverbs 15:10-11

Key Verse: Proverbs 15:10
Harsh discipline is for him who forsakes the way, And he who hates correction will die.

Do you like being told when you are wrong? How about being told you are wrong when you are enjoying yourself? How about being told your way of life is wrong! When we first come to know Christ, we find out our way of life is normally wrong; we find out that we are living as sinners and we need to repent and be forgiven. But when we do take on this new life as a Christian, we should be the ones who are standing up to the new life and embracing it and everything it stands for. It is very hard to give up the things in your life you enjoy... That is not to say everything that we enjoy is wrong...

Christ wants the very best for us and His aim is always to try and make sure we know about that. Whether we are willing to give up all our ways which displease God and aim to please Him all the time is a matter of choice for us. But think of it this way, if you met someone whom you really liked, but they had one bad habit which you absolutely detested, would you try to get them to give up that habit knowing it would make them a better person? If we are not willing to accept correction from God, then we are not willing to give up our bad habits for God.

There is no place on heaven or earth where we can escape from the presence of God. He is everywhere! Each time we give in to sin, He is the one who is being affected by that sin. We may not notice it because we have been doing things wrong for so long that we are used to it, but every single time we do it wrong, God notices! What if your friend smoked cigarettes all the time, even when you pleaded with them to stop smoking even if it was just when you were with them.

Each one of us has a choice to live the way that we live. Each one of us chooses to do the things we do. What we don't tend to think about too much is how it is affecting people around us, and especially, how it is affecting God!

Points to Ponder:
What bad habit(s) do you have that others don't like?

Do you think of God each time you continue to sin?