Sunday 2 Oct 2016

October 2: Ecclesiastes 2:1-11

Key Verse: Ecclesiastes 2:11
Then I looked on all the works that my hands had done And on the labour in which I had toiled; And indeed all was vanity and grasping for the wind. There was no profit under the sun.

What would you do if you had a huge amount of money? Would you go out and try to live the best life you could with that money, buying the very best items and surrounding yourself with all manner of comforts? Well, if you did, you would not be the first! Right from the beginning of time we have had people who try to take what they have and live a life which is far and above those around them – just because they have money. But the important thing has got to be what is in their hearts, not what is in their pockets!

Have you ever spoken to people who have loads of money? What sort of reaction did you get to your “normal” conversations? I have been fortunate enough to speak to many people from many walks of life and it is often the so called rich I have felt sorry for. I have pitied them for their actions show that, despite having all that money, they are still lacking something in their lives. Despite surrounding themselves with all the imaginable comforts in life, then still lack a comfort which dwells within. They take pleasure in showing others just how much they have so they can make it look like they are happy, but in reality they fight battles within themselves.

It does not take money, belongings or surroundings to make you happy... Yes, you can gain happiness for a short while with many things in life, but lasting happiness does not follow on from great belongings. It does not take servants and people surrounding you to bring lasting happiness either, because you will soon see the folly of such quests. It does not take constant laughter and friends to gain everlasting happiness – we strive to find friends who can make us happy, but we then remain happy only for as long as they are with us.

What we need is someone who is going to remain with us throughout eternity, to comfort and guide us and to sustain us without the desires for physical surroundings. Only God can provide that in our lives.

Points to Ponder:
Have you ever met a wealthy person who is happy within?

Have you ever met a poor Christian that was happy within?