Monday 3 Oct 2016

October 3: Proverbs 15:16-17

Key Verse: Proverbs 15:17
Better is a dinner of herbs where love is, Than a fatted calf with hatred.

What would you describe as being your favourite food, or better still, your favourite meal. What would you have in your favourite meal? And then, who would you invite along to that meal if it were prepared for you? Most of us would describe quite a lavish affair where our best foods would make up some of that meal. We would describe food and drink to match as well as all the trimmings, and afterwards, to round it off, something sweet.

After you had finished describing the meal and decided who was going to come along to that meal, you may well start to think about why you would invite people. You may choose someone who is going to make your meal fun, or someone who you know would appreciate the meal. You may even start to think about what a meal would mean to others. But, I think, the two most important parts of any fellowship are described in these two verses. Firstly, we should remember God in whatever we are having. We should make sure we recognise that God is the one who has supplied our food and continues to supply our every need. We need to remember how we have what we have because He has allowed us to have it.

And the second point is that of love. Without love, true Christian and brotherly love, a meal would be as satisfying as a meal could be – but that satisfaction would fade as quick as the food within our bodies. But with love, we have memories to keep, we have fond things to remember, and even after those memories start to fade, we still have the love to depend on.

A simple meal with a loved one can mean so much more than a full feast with people whom you did not know. What can be better than a simple meal with a loved one? That same meal with the knowledge that God has been gracious enough to supply it for you because of His extraordinary love for you! And sharing the meal with someone who also knows just how special a gift they have.

Points to Ponder:
So who would you invite to your meal?

How much do you depend on Christ for your spiritual food?