Friday 7 Oct 2016

Key Verse: Psalm 118:6
The Lord is on my side; I will not fear. What can man do to me?

No matter how hard we try to do things, the most that we can do is physically destroy things. Beyond the physical, we have no power. The most we can do to any person or ourselves is to kill the body, but the soul cannot be touched by us! And yet God is able to do anything. If we are on His side, then we are surely on the winning team!

If we are for Christ, then He is for us. If we walk with Him, then He walks with us. If we turn our backs on Him, He patiently waits for us to turn back to Him. Once we have accepted Him as our Saviour, He is never going to leave us. Whether He is walking in front of us or behind us is our choice. Personally I would rather have Him walking in front of me so He is able to protect me from things ahead than have to save me after I trip!

Probably the best thing about being a servant of Christ's is to be able to observe divine justice. God is Holy and Just. Nothing He does is unholy or unjust. When those around us devise ways of tripping us up, as long as we are willing to trust in Christ, we will not be tripped up by them. We may even see how they trip themselves up when Christ shows His protection for us! But if we are willing to allow ourselves to be fooled by those around us into doing and saying what they do, we are surely turning our backs in God's face. Should we expect anything less than a rebuke from Him?

We see people around us promising us all sorts of things (be they relationships, money, possessions or any other riches) to which they want us to take heed. But if we allow God's Word to show us what is right and wrong, we will very quickly be shown whether they are for or against God. We need to trust God and His Word above those of our friends and even our family. God cannot lie. We see politicians and kings and queens telling us the way forward – but how many of them are telling you God's wishes and how many are telling you their own wishes to forward their own cause? God will never bend the truth in any way!

Points to Ponder:
Do you believe your friends work everything to God's Glory?

Are you persuaded by their vain glories or God's Glory?