Thursday 6 Oct 2016

October 6: Hebrews 13:5-6

Key Verse: Hebrews 13:6
So we may boldly say: “The Lord is my helper; I will not fear. What can man do to me?”

Being happy is something we all aspire to – we seek things out which will make us happy sensing there is something out there that has got to make us happy. It is only when we have met Christ that we will know what happiness really is! Until such time, we have to continue to be content with what we have; but always seeking Christ.

We have every right to expect good things in our lives, but there are lines where we need not cross. One such line is the unholy, overeager desire for things which we do not have. Covetousness can rule our lives if we let it take a small hold. Many people use covetousness as the driving force behind their success – but when you talk to such people, they are never happy with what they have, always seeking something new to try and find that bit extra. It is during those times they get carried away with their desires and leave the needs of the people around them behind.

Being satisfied with what we have, here and now shows us the other side of covetousness. Not seeking things from the past and seeking things which are yet to come, but being satisfied with what we have in our hands... Whilst there is nothing wrong with having goals in our lives, setting those goals at things which are far beyond our reach leads us to covetousness. We need to be realistic about what we seek, always keeping in mind that it is God who is supplying our needs and upon Him we should be depending.

You may ask, “how can we be satisfied with what we have”. The answer lies in the last part of verse 5: “for He has said, 'I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.'” If God is for us, who can be against us! If God is our aide, who can stand up against us! He has promised to be with us and upon that we can depend!

Points to Ponder:
Do you get carried away with wanting things?

Would you feel guilty asking God for those things?