Sunday 9 Oct 2016

October 9: Jude 1:20-25

Key Verse: Jude 1:21
keep yourselves in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life.

Some may say that our religion changed drastically when Christ was born. Well, it didn't. The way we worship changed after Christ was known to live on earth, but our God is the same today as He was in the beginning of time! The way we worship Him should be the same today as it was in the beginning – with absolute faith. The way we pay for our sins is the only thing which has changed. Christ came down to earth to lay down His life for our sins so we would not have to continue our meagre sacrifices but to offer praise and joy for His ultimate sacrifice!

We still need to depend on God for everything, having faith that His promises continue to stand as they have always stood throughout time. We need to listen to the Holy Ghost so we will find instruction and guidance in the way God would have us to live. We need to live our lives according to the way He wants us to live, not according to our own desires. We need to have compassion, not just for our friends and family, but for anyone who we meet. Christ never turned His back on anyone whilst He walked on earth. We need to follow His superb example!

Having compassion for others allows them to see we are different because of what we believe. When they see that, they will learn to have fear for God, for His ultimate power and excellence. They will see, through the Holy Ghost, that they too are sinners and they need to be forgiven by Christ as well.

But it is not up to us to be able to change our lives, but Christ alone who can do that. We cannot live a life which is without sin because we are so easily tempted by things and people around us. We need to depend on Christ for our salvation – we are as dirty rags before God, but Christ is able to wash away those sins because He has already paid that price for us. He alone had the wisdom to be able to thwart Satan. He alone has the wisdom to keep us safe from Satan. We need but to make a simple choice between Him and Satan.

Points to Ponder:
What was the last good thing you tried to do but failed at?

Are you ready to fully trust in Christ's promises?