Monday 10 Oct 2016

October 10: Proverbs 15:18-19

Key Verse: Proverbs 15:18
A wrathful man stirs up strife, But he who is slow to anger allays contention.

One of our biggest problems in life has got to be our anger. From a very early age we learn about anger and we use it as an excuse to do things we know are wrong. We continue to learn more about anger when things we do wrong, when we see others around us jumping up and down. We learn what anger can do when we see others getting away with things just because of their anger issues, but what we do not see at first is the bitterness and resentment which builds up behind that anger; at least, not unlit it is too late!

If we set ourselves up to fight through everything in life, then we are going to cause a whole lot of strife. We will be setting people against each other for no other reason than to get our own way. If we are able to stand back and see what we are doing, we may well choose a different path that will not involve so many people, one which would not affect so many people’s lives. That ability to stand back and observe without applying our anger does not take weeks or days; we have an amazing brain given to us by our Saviour which is able to process thoughts quicker than we realise. All we need do is take one second before we speak to think about what we are about to say or do. That time is more than enough to discover what the outcome would be should we go ahead with our angry responses.

If we are willing to take just one second to think, we will also see that not only do we stop ourselves from getting deeper into trouble, but we actually help to bring a quicker end to the hostilities! You may then be thinking that walking away from a situation is the answer... Many a time it may well be, but if we do allow others to build up resentment and anger by simply walking away from situations, then they are going to eventually explode from trying to keep those feelings in. We need to respond when we are involved in the conversation – but to respond in a manner which will not continue to build up the strife... Easier said than done because of the way we allow our anger to surface far too quickly!

If you think you need a course in anger management, then you need to listen to the one who can make a difference – God – and allow those around you to offer help as well.

Points to Ponder:
How often do you get angry without thinking?

How often do you let God guide you?