Friday 21 Oct 2016

October 21: Matthew 26:41

Key Verse: Matthew 26:41
Watch and pray, lest you enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.”

The best part about having a God who has actually experienced living amongst us is that He knows what we face every day. He knows the type of temptations we will face and He knows what our bodies are capable (or not capable) of. He may know what we face, but He was strong enough to be able to turn away from every temptation that faced Him.

He knows we may well mean to do the right thing, but we give in to doing the wrong things much of the time. He knows what we think about and every time we praise Him through our thoughts He is happy – but every time we turn our backs on Him through what we say, do, or think He is sad. He asks little things of us which we are capable of doing, and yet we give in to things around us far too easily without standing up for what is right.

Christ was facing an amazingly cruel day ahead, and yet He tried to show His disciples exactly how God can strengthen each one of us. He knew what it was like to face those temptations and He knew how God would continue to give Him the strength to face them and beat them. He did not put off praying. He did not put off praising His Father. He did not put off teaching His disciples. He did not put off any of God's Work. When we have the time, we should be using it to fulfil His will in our lives, not to try and find something else in our lives that we can do!

There may not be too many times where God does call upon us to do things for Him, but each time He calls, we need to be ready and willing to carry out His Work without question. We need to show Christ He can depend on us as well. He may not call you to go out and be a missionary, but just to tell someone that God does care. He may not want you to go and save a nation, but just give someone a hug to show they are appreciated by Him. All we need to do is to listen to what He asks and be willing to carry it out, however small...

Points to Ponder:
Do you try to please your friends by doing things for them?

How often do you try to please God by doing things for Him?