Saturday 22 Oct 2016

October 22: Psalm 15:1-5

Key Verse: Psalm 15:4
In whose eyes a vile person is despised, But he honours those who fear the Lord; He who swears to his own hurt and does not change;

Throughout the Bible we are encouraged to walk uprightly, work righteously and speak the truth, not just with our mouths but with our hearts. We need to be able to set ourselves apart from everyday society where dishonesty, deceit and pretence is expected from everyone. We need to be able to know what we are doing is trying our best for God so others will see just how precious He is to us. We need to focus on our lives to make them an example that will encourage others to seek the truth and not discard it.

How many politicians nowadays actually encourage you to do something they suggest through showing you how good it is? Most would rather point out all the worse things others are doing to try persuade you that their way is not as bad. They try to convince you through back biting rather than through honour! I am also saddened by how many people jump on the band wagon and join in the mudslinging.

Throughout history God has taught people to tell the truth, support and love our neighbours, and to continue to show there is “light at the end of the tunnel”. He does not expect us to have to pay dearly for showing others the truth – but because of our ways, we often do. We are so caught up in our societies of dishonesty that we tell others we will do something just to try and show them the truth – and then have to keep to that oath even when it can lead to our own hurt. If we simply follow God's commandments, we will find they are not conflicting in any way and they themselves do not lead us to hurt. It is the way we change things to suit ourselves that lead us to our problems we face.

It does not take a rocket scientist to get to heaven. It takes someone who is willing and able to believe in the truth within their hearts. Not just to say they believe, but to truly believe. When we do believe, it will show through our lives without us having to try hard to make others believe...

Points to Ponder:
Do you encourage others towards the truth or discourage them from lies?

God has shown you the truth. What are you going to do with it?