Wednesday 26 Oct 2016

October 26: Luke 21:5-9

Key Verse: Luke 21:8
And He said: “Take heed that you not be deceived. For many will come in My name, saying, ‘I am He,’ and, ‘The time has drawn near.’ Therefore do not go after them.”

One of the things that I still find hard to remember is that God is not restricted by time in the same way we are. When He created our world, He also created a timespan for us to live in. “Genesis 1:1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.” He had to make a beginning in order for us to exist, and He has made an ending for our lives on earth as well.

Just like we did not know we were going to be born, we do not know when we are going to die. We have been given a timespan within which we should make the most of our lives. So many people will tell you about the money you have to make and the things you have to accomplish so that you can have a 'good life' – thereby sentencing many to not have a 'good life' because they are not living up to someone else’s standards for what life should be!

God's commandments are not so restrictive that we cannot enjoy ourselves – far from it. If we are able to stick to His commandments, we will find that the life that we have is rather agreeable because He will have no problem looking after us. But if we start to think we can do a better job at it, then we will find our shortcomings quite quickly; finding out as we turn from Him, He is less able to watch over us because we are choosing against His support!

Ultimately, the choice is ours as to whether we want Christ to be able to look after us or not. If we are going to choose 'another god' (be it an idol or some other path in life) other than Him, then we should not expect anything other than failure from that 'other god'. He has promised us things will come to pass and all we need do is live for that promise. There will be hard times and there will be hardships we have to face up to – this is life... But we can depend on our Christ 100% of the time!

Points to Ponder:
What things are you hanging on to in your life?

Are you fully trusting in Christ for everything?