Tuesday 25 Oct 2016

October 25: 2 John 1:7-9

Key Verse: 2 John 1:8
Look to yourselves, that we do not lose those things we worked for, but that we may receive a full reward.

You'd think it would be easy... that we would be able to live for Christ and people would respect it and do the same. Yet we have many people who would twist the truth so it suits them, and then try to force whatever so called truth upon us. They do it, not for Christ, but for themselves through vanity, pride and greed. If they would admit to the truth, then their world would break apart and they would be no better than any other sinner – but to them, they hold a position and they will do anything to keep that position.

We have to be aware how there are people like that and they are out to win a following. We need to know how they are twisting the truth so we can keep to the real truth and not be persuaded by them. The only way of knowing a true Christian is one who believes Jesus Christ is the Son of God and that He did come to us in flesh and bones and He died and rose again. If anyone is teaching anything other than this, then they have been deceived and are trying to deceive others.

We need to show them we are firm believers in the whole truth as taught to us through God's Word (the Bible) and we will not part from it. We need to think about what others are trying to teach us so we do not simply take in what others say, but make sure what they are teaching is from God's Word and not their own. We need to know they believe Jesus Christ is the Son of God.

What good is all the work we have done, all the learning and studying, if we are just going to sit and allow someone else to twist that truth away from us? If we do that, we allow them to take away from us what God has promised. We will not lose our eternal life, but we may well loose a few rewards we would have otherwise received in heaven... John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

Points to Ponder:
How easily do you give in to friends?

How much does the truth mean to you?