Monday 7 Nov 2016

November 7: Proverbs 16:4-8

Key Verse: Proverbs 16:5
Everyone proud in heart is an abomination to the Lord; Though they join forces, none will go unpunished.

One of the biggest traps in our lives is our idea that “if everyone is doing it, it must be OK”! We get lead into all sorts of things through simply following in others footsteps. Here we are given a stark warning about doing exactly that. God has indeed created each one of us. He created us so we would have a free choice to go in whichever direction we chose in our lives. He also created us with an amazing mind and even a discerning spirit. He did this so we could see for ourselves what is right and what is wrong. Each one of us can make those choices for ourselves; our problem is that we learn from others!

How many times have you picked up on something that your friends were doing, only to get home and find yourself in deep trouble when your parents found out what you were doing? We are very easily lead by example which has been mankind’s problem from the beginning of time. Far too often we would rather pick up on what others are doing than to think about what we should be doing!

It is only through God's grace and mercy He continues to allow us to find things out for ourselves. He wants us to be able to learn about the truth. But He also would rather that we learned by asking than by going out and trying for ourselves. He would rather see us ask and find out than stumble and fall as we try in desperation! He would rather show us and illuminate us than have us stumble through the darkness.

When we listen to what God has to say in our lives and obey Him, we find out that He knows a whole lot more about our situation than we thought about. He knows what others are thinking so can guide us to the best possible solution before we upset others. He would rather we ask for a little guidance than find out all the truth after it is too late!

Points to Ponder:
How many things do you do because your friends do?

How many things do you ask God to guide you through?