Tuesday 8 Nov 2016

November 8: Hebrews 13:20-21

Key Verse: Hebrews 13:21
make you complete in every good work to do His will, working in you what is well pleasing in His sight, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory forever and ever. Amen.

How do you look upon others when you see them doing wrong? Do you look down on them for doing things wrong? Do you turn your back on them when they start doing things they should not be? I'm not talking of the physical motion of turning you back on them, but your inner emotional response to what they do.

We are told Christ looks at us from the inside, that He knows our inner thoughts... but we do not pay much attention to our thoughts when we are thinking of others. We do tend to be judgemental when it comes to others. We do look at other societies, including other faiths, and judge them according to what is told to us through the media. We don't know what they are thinking, or feeling, yet we are still willing to judge them by their actions.

We look at other religions and ask how their gods can be loving when we watch them destroying others’ lives. We look at other societies and ask how they can believe in any gods when they continue to do evil day after day. We are looking at them and building a picture of their gods by the way that they live. We build up feelings for or against others because of what they are doing and how they are living. We build up feelings for their gods based upon how they are acting. Those feelings are held inside us and may well surface and trick us into doing something that is out of character for us... and others will see that and form an opinion! Oh, how quickly we can force others to have opinions on us!

Our God is awesome. He is the First and the Last. He is The One who has shown us complete love by allowing Jesus to die for our sins. He is our Great Shepherd who tries to lead us. His promises last forever. He is the only one who can chance attitudes and hearts... but do our actions help or hinder Him? People watch us to see what we do with our lives and what we do with our God! Their opinions are formed on our actions...

Points to Ponder:
Do your friends like you for what you are or what you do?

Are you living your life for or against God?