Friday 18 Nov 2016

November 18: 1 Peter 2:13-17

Key Verse: 1 Peter 2:13
Therefore submit yourselves to every ordinance of man for the Lord’s sake, whether to the king as supreme

I am sure all of us do rebel at some things, be them against ordinary people or even the law and politicians. We seem to find it in our heads that we are above some of the rules of the land and we do not care to keep them! But God would have us to follow the local laws unless they work against Him.

Our society does seem to be getting deeper and deeper into sinful things and the laws are beginning to show our nature by allowing things which God does not want us to do. Back in the days of Daniel (and before) men were warned against honouring God for fear of the death penalty. But Daniel gave us an example which we should be living up to – praising God above all else!

But that does not mean we can make up rules so we do not have to follow the law of the land. We are warned here that breaking the laws of the land and working against the king or queen are not what we should be thinking. We should be upholding the laws, being an example to others so they can see we are not only loving, but law abiding. God knows of the evil doers whom are plotting laws to try and trip us up and He allows such things to give us strength to face what does lay ahead.

God wants us to uphold the law when it comes to supporting police and other authorities. We are not to hide criminals (be it criminals against the country or just against a friend) for if we do that, then we are being just the same as that criminal. We need to make sure we uphold God's laws whilst all around us are changing them to suit themselves. We need to show people God's laws are worth keeping and they need to embrace them as well. Some Christians try to bend God's laws so they can avoid laws within their countries. This is not what God has in mind for us. He wants us to do our best to make sure we keep them and encourage others. Not break them and tempt others!

Points to Ponder:
What rules do you regularly break?

Do you always think of God's rules?