Saturday 19 Nov 2016

November 19: 1 Peter 2:18-25

Key Verse: 1 Peter 2 :21
For to this you were called, because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that you should follow His steps:

It may sound odd reading about servants and the bible talking as though we are servants, but in a way, we are just that. There are people in our lives who we have to submit to all the time, people who we have to obey. There are many times when those people we have to obey do not live up to what we expect because we have an opinion on how they should be. We may think we would act differently if we were in their place, but we are not in their position.

God wants us to be thankful for everything in our lives. He is in control of things and is allowing us to be in the positions which we are for a reason. He is preparing things for us ahead. It does not mean we are going to face terrible times in our lives! Maybe He just wants us to know about situations so we can help someone else in that situation when they get there!

We need to keep Christ as an example on how we should be. We need to try to keep our head above everything that is going on around us so we can be prepared for things ahead. Whilst we may not be servants, we all do continue to do things for others. We need to show them we are willing to do things so they can be encouraged to be more like us as we try to be more like Christ. Christ showed us the ultimate way by allowing Himself to be nailed to the cross because of what we have done. He did not do any evil. He did not break the rules. He acted properly all the time. He made the right decisions based on God's Word. We really do need to try to be more like Him.

There is nothing better in life to encourage a person to change than a good example. If we try to change people through bad examples or through force, we will probably not reach their hearts. We need to be examples which they can follow. We need to show them love and commitment before they will do likewise. Who said it was going to be easy?

Points to Ponder:
Do you do the same things as your friends?

How good an example are you of Christ in your life?