Tuesday 22 Nov 2016

November 22: Psalm 138:6-8

Key Verse: Psalm 138:6
Though the Lord is on high, Yet He regards the lowly; But the proud He knows from afar.

It truly is amazing that we have a Saviour who cares for us so much. He knows things about us that we do not. He continues to look after us and He continues to protect us. We can have confidence in knowing He is there for us – unlike many who are too proud to even admit that God exists!

God does not have to be right next to you to know you are up to something within your heart. We do not have to be Christians for Him to know our hearts are in one place when we say they are in another. He knows our inner thoughts and what we are up to before others can tell. He has respect for those in life whom we often look down on just because of their lack of social standing. He has respect for those who are true in heart and know He exists and call upon His name.

For those who don't care, what else can they expect from God? We can know He is still our protector, even when we are walking in amongst trouble. We can know He is still watching over us when everyone else loses sight of us. We can know He still hears our prayers even when others do not know where we are!

When we feel threatened by others, we can call upon His name, knowing He is there. When we feel let down, we can call upon Him knowing He will support us. When we feel all alone, we can call Him knowing He is there. His mercy and grace for us shows no end. His love for us has no bounds. His truth will always stand and will always be something that we can depend on at any time. God does not want us to give up on anything in our lives just because we feel down or left out. He wants us to know that whatever we do, we can call on His help and He IS there!

Points to Ponder:
Are your best friends always with you?

How often do you think about God when you need help?