Wednesday 23 Nov 2016

November 23: Exodus 18:7-12

Key Verse: Exodus 18:11
Now I know that the Lord is greater than all the gods; for in the very thing in which they behaved proudly, He was above them.

No matter how far you wish to go back in history, people recognise the fact that God's hand is in everything. No matter how much people try to show they are the proud owners or constructors, God's hand is seen in everything. Moses' father-in-law, Jethro, expressed his joy at everything God had done; not at all the people had achieved, nor all Moses had done. He recognised God's handiwork!

This is a wonderful scene of everyday life at the meeting of a son and father-in-law. Moses may well have been a great prophet who God had used to accomplish amazing things, but he himself showed humble respect for his father-in-law. No matter how important we may think we are, we need to recognise we are nothing compared to God and we need to show respect to others at all times. Jesus was and is above us all, but He showed respect to the criminals and sinners of the world.

To be able to recognise God's handiwork, we have to know what God can do and learn about what He has done in the past. As long as we do read our Bibles and find out the truth, we know that nothing is impossible through God. Jethro wanted to know all that had happened so He could know just what God had done.

Jethro recognised God's work and he wanted God to know how much respect he had for Him. He wanted to show God how much he cared for what He had done. He did this in all openness, without shame or embarrassment. He knew his place and he knew God's place. He also wanted to share his happiness with others who knew God's handiwork as well! So no matter how proud we may get with thinking we are accomplishing much in our lives, we need to learn from great leaders in the past; God is in control of things and He alone deserves the praise for the great things we are allowed to accomplish in our lives. Without Him, we are but dust...

Points to Ponder:
Who is the person you look up to most in life?

How often do you remember God's handiwork?