Wednesday 7 Dec 2016

December 7: Colossians 2:18-19

Key Verse: Colossians 2:18
Let no one cheat you of your reward, taking delight in false humility and worship of angels, intruding into those things which he has not seen, vainly puffed up by his fleshly mind,

The bible is surprisingly direct when you get to know it. God's Word is plain and simply. Yet many people will try to persuade you otherwise, telling you of all the complicated things which you have to live up to or do in order to stay right with God. Staying right with God is all about your personal relationship with Him, nothing more! If you don’t understand what makes a good relationship then you need to learn that first.

How do you like phoning up someone and they are not there? Do you leave a message, or do you try again? How do you know the message will get through? When will it get through? Do you try to leave a message with someone else and hope they take your message through? Do you trust anyone to do this with important messages? What if you try to phone someone and you are told they are not accepting calls and you have to leave a message?  What would you do if a friend turned round and said that you had to talk through a mediator!

Having a personal relationship with God means that you, and you alone are the one responsible for the things you do in that relationship. If you want to get something straight with God, then you go directly to Jesus Christ because He has told us to go directly to Him. You don't have to pray to angels, or saints or anything else. And if Jesus Himself has directed us to do so, then praying to anything else would actually be disobeying Him.

Any relationship has to be open and nothing should be hidden... God can see everything, so trying to hide from Him is a bit worthless! Pretending you are something that you are not, or hiding something is only affecting your personal relationship with God, so if you have anything on your mind, take it directly to Him!

Points to Ponder:
If someone has wronged you, is it not best to seek them out?

Do you take everything to God, or just when you're in trouble?