Thursday 8 Dec 2016

December 8: 1 John 1:8-10

Key Verse: 1 John 1:10
If we say that we have not sinned, we make Him a liar, and His word is not in us.

How many times have you watched someone do or say something and thought in your mind “why don't you just tell the truth?” It seems so easy to spot the mistakes that people think they can get out of by telling a lie or two. Yet when we find ourselves in a difficulty, it almost seems natural to make up a story to shift the blame onto someone else. But when anyone else comes up to us with a lie to try and get themselves out of anything, we don't like what they are doing!

If truth be told, we like to think we have different standards to everyone else. We like to think we are above certain things. We like to think we have no need for things like lies. But when push comes to shove we find that we bend just as much as anyone else.

It is the very same with many sins. We like to think we are good Christians and that we do not have any need of sin in our lives. We like to think we are in control. We like to think we set a good example. But it does not take long to come up with our first fault. Maybe it is simply boasting of something we are proud of – it is so easy. Maybe it is when we try to help a friend out by keeping the truth from them – ever so easy.

What we need to do is to admit to those faults. We need to get them out in the open. Christ can see all of our faults anyway, so why even try and hide anything? Why not just admit we have problems and ask Him for forgiveness? He is the one who has already taken on all of our sin debt on the cross. He is the one who has already paid for it all. All He wants us to do is to admit that we do sin and ask Him to forgive. If we want to be true ambassadors for Christ, then we have to show people we admit to our faults so they have an example by which they can follow.

Points to Ponder:
Who breaks the most rules, you or your friends?

How often do you admit to your faults to God?