Sunday 11 Dec 2016

December 11: 1 John 5:6-9

Key Verse: 1 John 5:7
For there are three that bear witness in heaven: the Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit; and these three are one.

It is so easy to skip over verses lightly and read on, but what we need to do is to study God's Word as He has provided it to us so we may better understand what it is He would have us know. The reminder John writes here reflects upon Jesus death on the cross as well as His reason for coming here in the first place.

Out of Jesus side came water and blood giving us a reminder of a few things, not just a matter of science or a miracle. By the water our souls are washed clean, ready for heaven. By the blood, God is glorified. Jesus did not come to simply wash away our sins, but to die on the cross so our sin debt can be paid for once and for all. Nobody else could have done that because Jesus is and was the only human without sin. Not only that, but the Holy Spirit remains with us as our comforter and guide. The Holy Spirit gives us the truth so we may hear it. The Holy Spirit cannot lie and opens our eyes for us to see all things. Why then do we try to hide things from our sight?

The Holy Trinity bears witness in heaven. Jesus has already joined God in heaven as He goes to prepare a place for us. He made sure the Holy Spirit would continue to be with us as well so we can understand His Word. He made sure His Word contained the descriptions that would jog our memories and stir our minds to seek all those things which are true and know it is through the Spirit, water and blood that we know the truth on earth.

If we believe in words which man has written, why do we shy away from what God writes in our hearts? Why do we seek to hide anything from our hearts? Because we think it easier if the world is a bit easier to understand. There are certain things we cannot hope to understand until we meet others in heaven. The Holy Trinity in single existence is one. But by faith we can accept this truth and grow in wisdom.

Points to Ponder:
Which text books do you/did you like reading in school?

Do you seek God's help when you read His Word?