Monday 12 Dec 2016

December 12: Proverbs 17:7

Key Verse: Proverbs 17:7
Excellent speech is not becoming to a fool, Much less lying lips to a prince.

Whilst the proverbs written by Solomon seem to repeat themselves now and again, each is looking at the same problem from different angles and so we look at some that seem to have been done already. But each has its own reward when read and studied – why else would God have inspired Solomon to write so much?

People who are fools will not be able to run countries. We may like to disagree with that saying there are many rulers out there who are fools, but each of them is in fact quite intelligent. They are there because they have fought their way there and have been successful at what they do. But as with many leaders, the truth starts to show up when they try to rule the country. People see their shortcomings and start to break down their previously elevated views of that person. It does not take too much to bring down a leader.

A fool is not going to listen to instruction. A fool is not going to listen to complaints. A fool is going to assume they always know best. A fool is not going to know the right things to say at the right times. How are we supposed to live as Christians if we act like fools, disobeying God, ignoring His instructions and always thinking we can do the right thing by ourselves?

One of the biggest problems for anyone who holds a position of responsibility is resisting the temptation to tell a lie. They look at the situation they are currently in and think they would be able to get out of it by telling a “small white lie”. That leads to further lies to cover up the original one until the hole they have dug for themselves is more like a pit which they cannot get out of! Once a leader has spoiled their position of trust with lies, there is no turning back – how can you trust them in anything else they say from that point on? It is a sad position we find ourselves in nowadays where it is accepted that politicians should not be held to their words! We know that God is truth and He cannot lie – how can we trust anything else?

Points to Ponder:
Who do you think is most likely to succeed in your group of friends?

How much do you depend on God's Word in your life?