Tuesday 13 Dec 2016

December 13: John 14:15-18

Key Verse: John 14:17
the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him; but you know Him, for He dwells with you and will be in you.

What a loving Saviour we have! He knew what He was going forward to do. He knew what He would have to put up with. He knew He would have to leave... so He made sure we are never left alone! Jesus made sure when He left the disciples, that He would have the Holy Spirit come to be with them and us until the day He returns. Why?

How easily we are persuaded to do things we ought not to do. How easily we give in to temptations. How easily we go astray. If we did not have some sort of guidance we would be wrecks within a few days! We may not be able to see Him, but we know He is here. We know He is looking out for us and we know He lives within us. In other words, we are never alone. How do we know? Through His word, our bibles.

So if the Holy Spirit is always with us, then we are inviting Him to be with us in everything we do! When we decide to tell a lie, He is with us. When we decide to shout abuse at someone, He is with us. When we decide to hurt someone else with words or physically, He is with us. How do you think He feels watching as we go about our “normal” days? We do have a duty to keep God's commandments, if not for ourselves, then to allow the Holy Spirit to live in a decent home!

Christ made sure His life and death would not be left alone. He made sure we will always know the truth. He made sure His Word continues to live forever. He made sure we would always be looked after. Why? Simply because of His love for us. So how do we repay that love? How do we say thank you for everything He has done? He does not expect much other than for us to ask for help and guidance because He wants to teach us. He wants us to learn everything that is right. He wants us to be safe in a world which is being eaten up by evil... We just need to listen...

Points to Ponder:
Are you ever embarrassed by your friends?

How do you think the Holy Spirit feels about you?