Wednesday 21 Dec 2016

December 21: Psalm 139:7-10

Key Verse: Psalm 139:8
If I ascend into heaven, You are there; If I make my bed in hell, behold, You are there.

One of the most wonderful things about God is the fact He is omnipresent – or absolutely everywhere at the same time. He's not just is all the good places, He is absolutely everywhere! In order for Him to maintain our world even our universe, He has to be sure He is everywhere. He must therefore be omniscient – He knows everything!

No matter how far we try and hide by running away from Him, no matter how far we try and separate ourselves from our God, we cannot. He wants to be part of our lives, He needs to be part of our lives... In order for Him to be able to do the best work in us, we have to be willing to fit into His rules and not to try make up our own.

But it's not the fact we try to physically hide away from Him, it's the fact we try to spiritually hide from Him. We think we can hide our sins... not so! We think we can pretend things are ok... not so! We think we can hide our thoughts... not so! If He can be in heaven and hell, then taking in our thoughts is a small issue!

But it's not the guilt trip that I am after here... It's the positive side... The fact that He is everywhere gives us access to His help and guidance at any time of the day or night and wherever we are! We can be flying high in a plane, or sailing under the ocean in a submarine; we can be rushing off to meet somewhere is quietly spending time alone... God is with you! He wants to be with you! He wants to be able to help you up when you trip, when you falter He wants to be there to catch you. His arms are always fending off things that we ask Him to. His arms are always protecting us like an umbrella in the rain. His arms are picking us up from having to wade through the floods... His arms are always wide open waiting for you to come into them.

Points to Ponder:
Who's arms do you rush to when you feel down?

Do you pick God first or last?