Thursday 22 Dec 2016

December 22: Matthew 28:18-20

Key Verse: Matthew 28:20
teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen.

I wonder how many times you have been promised something and after a few weeks (or maybe longer) you find that that promise was not quite up to it and had been broken. Quite often we look back and think that it has lasted long enough and dismiss it. But when God makes a promise, He keeps it. When God makes a promise, we know we can depend on it.

Christ's instructions to the disciples were simple: (paraphrasing) “I have all power in heaven and earth, there is nothing I cannot do. Go out and tell people of everything you have learned and bring them to know me like you do. Do it in my name.” Whilst we may not all live up to those instructions, His promise that follows does not exclude people just because they have not lived up to them...

That promise is He is going to be with us forever! Not just to the end of our lives (however short or long), nor to the end of our family tree, but to the end of the world to come! His spiritual presence will be with us throughout the times of this world... always! Then when we who have accepted Him as our Saviour join Him in heaven, we will continue to be with Him throughout eternity. The great transition of Him being with us to us being with Him! He is never going to be anywhere but by our sides.

How many promises from friends can you think of that have stood the test of time? How many of your promises have you managed to keep? We do our best to make sure we do, but there always seems to be something which forces us to break them for fear of doing more damage than that keeping them. But God is in control down here and He knows exactly how to keep all of His promises made to us throughout time!

Points to Ponder:
How long do you think a promise should be kept?

How many generations has Christ kept His for so far?