Saturday 24 Dec 2016

December 24: Luke 26:36-40

Key Verse: Luke 26:39
Behold My hands and My feet, that it is I Myself. Handle Me and see, for a spirit does not have flesh and bones as you see I have.”

Oh how unbelieving we are! Just like the disciples, we have a few obstacles thrown in front of us and we start to break down our belief. Someone comes along and shows us something that may be plausible and we believe them because they are in front of us... we believe them because we see them...

Over the last few days we have seen how God is ready for anything. He continues to show just how ready He is in this case by being at the right place at the right time for the disciples to see Him and to know He rose bodily from the grave, not just in spirit. We have also seen that He is everywhere... How else would He have known to be at this place at this time to cement the disciples’ belief so they would be ready to go out and take the gospel with them. We see that another promise is kept – He always keeps all of His promises. And we see His love for us by the fact that He had risen and He came back to make sure each disciple would know what to do from then on so they can instruct others.

Ready, Everywhere, Always, Loving... R.E.A.L.! We server a REAL living God who loves us so much He gave us His Son so our sins may be forgiven! His love for us goes beyond all we can wonder at. His mercy extends beyond anything we can imagine. His power is unbelievable!

As we get ready to celebrate Christmas tomorrow, take a thought for how it all started. A virgin with child, shunned from homes and inns because they were all full, lodging in a stable alongside animals. To that virgin, to us all, was born a baby boy who was wrapped in swaddling clothes and laid in a manger. Just as had already been foretold; just as God had promised. We remember Christmas, but how we tend to forget His birth because of all the distractions! We do serve a risen Saviour, one who always and forever will love us more than we can imagine!

Points to Ponder:
Who will you be seeing tomorrow?

Will you be remembering Christ, our King, tomorrow?