Friday 23 Dec 2016

December 23: Psalm 63:1-11

Key Verse: Psalm 63:3
Because Your lovingkindness is better than life, My lips shall praise You.

Have you ever had doubts over whether God was going to live up to His promises? I'm sure we all have at some stage, but depending on our faith is the only way we are going to see just how He lives up to each promise. Yes, we will see how He has completed each and every promise when we join Him in heaven, but why wait? His love for us extends down to us right here and now!

David wrote this Psalm many years after the people of Israel had been freed from slavery in Egypt. He shows to us his fears and his faith in the Psalms, especially in this one. He starts off by showing his resolution to actively seek God and he longs to actively enjoy his relationship with God. He shows us that any relationship with God must be active and must be full. Why? Because God's love “is better than life!” David knew that and he wanted to show everyone and not just to God. David knew how God's love could satisfy parts nothing else could reach! David knew he could depend on God's love 100%.

How could he know this after so many years of them living in all sorts of problems in their new-found land? David continued to believe in God, trust in Him and to depend on Him. Yes, David still made mistakes (whoppers at times) but he continued to trust God for everything. He continued to wait on God. He continued to show his faith in the unseen...

We now serve a risen Saviour. Jesus Christ rose from the grave to conquer our sin debt. He did that out of love. He continues to show His love for us. He continues to keep His promises because of His love for us... How much more proof do we need to know that His love for us is forever!

Points to Ponder:
How many people do you know who stay the same forever?

How can we not trust The One who never changes?