Sunday 8 Jan 2017

January 8: Romans 10:1-5

Key Verse: Romans 10:4
For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes.

It is something to look over the various religions and sects of the world and to see how they all have similar beginnings or traits. It is still something further that we can see in many religions how the rules have been changed to suit man. How the truth is distorted so things are more pleasant for the current time. How some things are left out because they are too hard to follow!

But it is no longer about the rules anymore because of what Christ has already done for us. It is no longer a requirement that we obey a set number of rules or follow a set number of requirements other than to believe that Christ was, is, and forever will be the Son of God. We now live in the period of grace – God's grace, given to us through Jesus Christ on the cross. He laid out His plan right from the beginning when He created Adam and Eve, knowing man would fall into temptation and knowing He had to do something special so that we could survive.

In Paul's letter, he reminds people of this, the same then as it is now – other than the fact we have a few thousand years between him and us; but Christ died for all of us and Him grace continues to save each and every one of us who confesses that He is God. Too many people continue to cling to the rules or laws to follow and try to work themselves to heaven. When Christ gave His life, He gave it so we need no longer fulfil the law to be saved and sacrifice our first-born clean animals to be cleansed from our sins. God knew we would get to the stage where we bent the rules to suit ourselves. He knew we would make up our own rules. He knew we would make up our own religions. We have done, almost since the beginning of time. Now it is time to turn back to Christ and thank Him for all He has done, for all He has accomplished, for it is by His grace alone that we can be and are saved.

Points to Ponder:
Do people have to do something for you before they can become your friends?

All we have to do is acknowledge Christ for who He is!