Monday 9 Jan 2017

January 9: Proverbs 18:1-2

Key Verse: Proverbs 18:2
A fool has no delight in understanding, But in expressing his own heart.

How often do we stand up for our own rights? How often do we argue a point and refuse to back down? How many of those times have you found out you were actually in the wrong... but continued to fight it out anyway! We are a stubborn bunch! We should not have such a desire as to separate ourselves from others simply because we have a need to assert ourselves or to fulfil a lust for glory!

All too often in our lives we will go beyond that which is reasonable just to try and show others we are better or brighter than they are. We seek to prove to others something which may not be true; just to show them up! We meddle in things about which we know nothing about just to make it look like we are knowledgeable! Have you ever been on the other end of the stick... listening to someone sounding off about all sorts of things and knowing they are barking up the wrong tree... but thinking “what is the use of arguing with them...” Makes you think about all the times you have dished out arguments!

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying we need to accept whatever people say! There are times when people have to be told the truth, but how we go about shedding light on the subject is what matters. Downing someone just to gratify some glory seeking goal within yourself is not right! We need to back off from and seek and spread the knowledge that Christ would have us to have – God has given us the Bible so we can have knowledge, all we need do is study it...

Those who are not willing to believe what the Bible is true are the ones who are shooting themselves in the feet (not just one, both!). We pretend to know more than we do just to gain respect or credit with those around us – yet what will they think when they find out the truth? Is it not better to face up to the truth in the beginning? Seeking our own lusts and desires is not going to help anyone – least of all ourselves!

Points to Ponder:
How often do you impose your 'knowledge' on others?

God patiently waits to hand out knowledge to all those who seek it!