Friday 13 Jan 2017

January 13: Luke 14:7-11

Key Verse: Luke 14:11
For whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted.

Our pride can affect just about everything we do, from the most obvious acts of showing off to the seemingly minor act of choosing a position at a dinner party or something similar. Jesus was quick to pick up on the fact this is exactly what was happening; places were being chosen because of the perception of importance each of the guests had of themselves. The local people seemed to have a strict self-imposed order of importance which they expected everyone to know.

We can do this sort of thing in life without thinking and not see the consequences until it is too late. It is only once you have offended someone or embarrassed yourself that you realise your self-imposed position is not what you should have! It may not even be a self-imposed position but rather a sentence or objection raised out of turn which brings that embarrassment.

People’s reactions to that embarrassment are going to be different too. Some will object to your action, some will reject your action and then some will go as far as rejecting you. Whichever is done, we are the ones who have caused it to happen because we have not thought of the consequences... isn't life difficult! God does not want us to be objected against and rejected all the time. He would rather we took a second to think about our situations and acted in a more humbling manner. By doing that we are lifting others and encouraging others. Whereas, by assuming a self-important position we are rejecting or discouraging others – it is little wonder then some of them may react!

God wants each of us to think of others first before we assume ourselves. Charitable acts will get more widely accepted than ways of showing off. Acknowledging others before ourselves is more of an act of charity and love than we may first think!

Points to Ponder:
How much do you argue with your parents because you think you know better?

When was the last time you lifted God up in your life?