Saturday 14 Jan 2017

January 14: Psalm 138:1-5

Key Verse: Psalm 138:5
Yes, they shall sing of the ways of the Lord, For great is the glory of the Lord.

King David was a man who knew he had faults, and he knew he had to somehow keep control of them. He knew the only way he could do that was with God's help. Throughout his life, he continually turned to God and praised Him for things He did. He continued to show all around him that God was number one in his life and that is where everyone should be keeping God! But still he had his faults…

The only way to praise God is wholeheartedly, there can be nothing half-hearted about praising God because He is our Saviour and our Creator. Without Him, we would not be here. Without Him, we are nothing. Without Him, we have no future. It is only through God we can have eternal life in heaven and we have to remember that every day.

It is no use just remembering God on Sundays because it is the day which we set aside for Him. We must keep Him continually in our thoughts and praise Him for everything He allows into our lives. We may not like some of the things which He allows into our lives, but we need to remember He knows what He is doing. He is the one who will give us the strength to face up to whatever we have in our way. He is the one who will share our burdens. He is the one who will help us to resist temptations. We need to remember all of this so we will trust Him in whatever situation we face. That is what faith is all about. Trusting in God even though we cannot see Him and His ways.

When we can step back and see exactly what God has accomplished in our lives because we have exercised our faith, we will know that our faith is not in vain! When we see just how much He can do in our lives, then we will be thankful. But to see what He can do, we need to exercise that faith.

Points to Ponder:
Do your friends always trust you in what you do?

God is faithful and just and 100% reliable!