Sunday 15 Jan 2017

January 15: Hebrews 1:1-3

Key Verse: Hebrews 1:2
has in these last days spoken to us by His Son, whom He has appointed heir of all things, through whom also He made the worlds;

There are times when I think I would have liked to have lived in the days when God spoke to people through the prophets, just so I would be able to hear directly from a prophet. Yet there are many more days when I rejoice at having all of God's Word written in a book so that I can know everything from the beginning to the end times. Nothing we need has been left out of God's Word because He has made sure that over the years man has been given the history of the past, the present and the future yet to come.

During the times of the prophets, God spoke to those who He had chosen through various means, some of which must have been very frightening to those involved. When Christ Himself was born of a virgin, He walked amongst man telling of the history, present and future. Those must have been wonderful times, yet hard to grasp for those who would not listen. Since then, God gave the rest of history to the apostles so we would have all we need to know that He is God!

It was no little thing that Christ did come to earth. He has all power in heaven and earth. He has all judgement committed to Him. He made all things in heaven and earth. He continues to uphold everything, both seen and unseen. It is by Him that all things consist. Jesus Christ is the Son of God. Yet He Himself died for our sins on the cross, making Himself of no reputation, lowering Himself to the level of the common thieves being hung next to Him. He alone suffered incredible injury when He took on the sins of the world, past, present and future!

He alone made sure we have a complete record of time, from the beginnings of heaven and earth, to the times when the evil one shall rule and those beyond when we shall have eternal life in God’s comfort. How can we not believe such a person when we understand just how much He has accomplished for us...

Points to Ponder:
How much do we trust our friends who we know bend the truth?

How much more we should trust Christ who we know cannot lie!