Friday 27 Jan 2017

January 27: Ezekiel 36:25-27

Key Verse: Ezekiel 36:27
I will put My Spirit within you and cause you to walk in My statutes, and you will keep My judgments and do them.

There are always going to be times when we do get a bit discouraged with the things which we are doing and we begin to wonder if we are actually good enough or if God is even listening to us. It is at these times when we need to look into God's Word to find out what has happened in the past. When we can see all God has already done for those who choose to follow Him, then we can be encouraged once again and move on in our Christian life.

God here promised that He would change things for the people of Israel so they would be fit enough to continue walking with Him. It was only hundreds of years after this that we see Jesus Christ came to earth and fulfilled these words. God promised them they would receive a new heart which would allow them to stay away from the worshipping of idols. We can see how Israel changed when they were in captivity in Babylon. God knows exactly what is required to change even the strongest of hearts. He will break down the stones in anyone's heart so people will see how wonderful He is. Everything works to the glory of God.

God promised He would put His spirit within us. Christ Jesus promised this again shortly before His death, burial and resurrection. We now know the Holy Spirit lives within us when we have invited Him into our lives. We know God has been keeping His promises. We know God has been working with us since before we knew Him. We know He continues to change things in our lives and continues to give us opportunities to come to Him in humility and love, just like He came to earth in humility and love to save us, the sinners, the unclean... just because of His love for us!

We have all the history behind us which we need to know so we can stand on the promises of God. But we do need to read about it or hear about it so we can fully understand just how great God is!

Points to Ponder:
How long does it take before you trust your friends?

Are you standing on the promises of God?