Saturday 28 Jan 2017

January 28: Psalm 4:6-8

Key Verse: Psalm 4:8
I will both lie down in peace, and sleep; For You alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety.

What sort of thing do you look for in life? Do you strive after things which make you feel good, hunting down people who will be able to make you feel better, rooting around for physical things that are going to make you feel better? Maybe you have a weakness for food when you get wound up by people... Maybe you don't think you have a weakness and keep all that pent-up stress inside – well, just maybe, that is your weakness.

We all do have weaknesses we have to face up to at some stage in our lives. Sometimes we are afflicted with things which make us face our weaknesses day in and day out... Sometimes we may never have to face up to that weakness until we are mature in years... But there will always be a time when you do have to face up to something you think you will not be able to cope with. That is the time when you turn around to find someone or something which will be able to support you – just like a walking stick is used when you are not able to walk properly. You may well be surprised to find there are not too many people who are willing to step forward for you or to say they will help.

It is no wonder that God allows these situations into our lives to make us stop and think about what it is all about. It is those times when God wants you to stop and think about just who is in charge and who has the power and grace to get you through things. We may look to the world for support and we may well find that support – but as soon as we are not with that support we feel weak again. God is the only one who will be able to help us from the inside so we can build up our strength based on Him. There is nothing more relaxing and encouraging than knowing God is actually in control and that He has the grace to support us no matter how bad we think things are!

Points to Ponder:
What do you think of before you go to bed?

When was the last time that you asked God for His grace and wisdom?