Tuesday 23 Jan 2018

January 23: Psalm 19:7-10

Key Verse: Psalm 19:9
The fear of the Lord is pure, enduring forever. The decrees of the Lord are firm, and all of them are righteous.

The more society grows, the more people become aware of each other. Well, that's what we would like to think happens. But, in reality, the more society grows in number, the less we think of others unless we are told to do so. We rely more on what other people say about others than we do about going to them and finding out the truth. But no matter where we are in society, we all have access to the truth – God's truth.

We can have life through the sun, moon, air, water, plants and animals. They sustain us and we are able to live a good number of years. But that is all they can do. If we want more, then we have to find something which goes beyond the physical world we live in, something that is dependable and true. But, just like our physical world, we have to take everything into account in order to get it right. We cannot ignore some things; just like some foods are not good for us. We cannot ignore the fact we will get burned if we stay in the sun too long. Simple things, we may think, but necessary things. Just like that, we have to take everything into account in our spiritual lives too. That is why we need something that will cover everything, something that is complete. Someone who is everything!

God's Word is nothing short of that. He has made sure that what we have in our bible is sufficient to ensure we know the truth and we know what we have to do to ensure we can have a life with Him. It highlights what we think and do in error. It explains what we should do about it and tells us what is still to come. God's Word is a sure foundation upon which we can build our lives, both physical and spiritual, so we can know that what we do is right. We may not get it right all the time – indeed, we make mistakes all the time – but through what it gives us, we can know what God has in mind for us. We simply need to trust it...

Points to Ponder:
Do you wish people would always tell you the truth?

How much do you really trust God's Word?