January 24: 1 John 4:1-6
Key Verse: 1 John 4:5
They are from the world and therefore speak from the viewpoint of the world, and the world listens to them.
Each time I hear people saying we should not live according to the world I am reminded of passages throughout 1 John. So, even during the time of Jesus, people were caught up in the world and all it had to offer. Is it so bad then, because we are born in this world and live in this world? Well, it is not the things of this world but the meaning behind things and the spirit within which things are done that makes the bigger difference. If we want to support people then we definitely have to do something of this world to support them!
There are the obvious things we should look out for; we may find it hilarious to see a certain object but have to think what other people will think of it before we go out and buy one to put on display. We should not do things when we know they will cause offence to others. But then there are the times when we hear about something and think it must be good because so many people are doing it or so many people are talking about it. That is where these reminders come in – don’t just do things because they are there, make sure the things you do are in line with Christ and His teachings.
We have got our bibles, an invaluable resource which shows us many things which will please God and many things which will not. They teach us how we can be more in tune with God and Christ. Yet, so many times, we leave the teachings behind and go and see what the rest of the world is doing! Stand up and make a difference by standing up for Christ and His teachings. Compare things of this world with His ways and see whether we should be involved with them or not. We can reach people in desperate situations without having to get involved with what they are doing – just being there and showing them the exit will help!
We know we are of God and we know we can depend on Him to strengthen us; don’t become complacent and expect everyone to know how God is in control! We all have to learn about God and about the things He is capable of; so we have to teach people through example and through word and deed.
Points to Ponder:
Do you still live the same life you did before you knew God?
Do you get involved with everything just because it is there still?
Wednesday 24 Jan 2018
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