December 13: Proverbs 2:1-9
Key Verse: Proverbs 2:6
For the Lord gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding.
How many times have you worked really hard for something and found you could not quite do enough to get it, or that when you did get it, it was not as good as you thought? How many times have you returned saying “well that was a waste of time”? We do tend to judge things by how much we have to do in order to gain them. We also give more honour to things we have had to work harder for. When we get caught up in the way of the world, we then lose sight of the true worth of things but rather give them worth according to how much other people want them...
Sometimes it takes a big change in your life to start to allow you to realise just what things are actually important in your life. After a life changing event, you begin to see things as they really are and not from the tainted view of the world... It is because we have begun to see their true worth. We can then look back and wonder how we ever got caught up in things to such an extent we forgot about the true meaning of so many things.
We need to earnestly and honestly seek heavenly wisdom because in doing so we will find true worth and true meaning. When we find that sort of truth, we can look back and see the work we have done was totally worth it. Just because God gave us a free gift does not mean we can sit back and do nothing about it after receiving that gift; we still have to be diligent about what we do with it. We need to seek, we need to ask, and we need to come forward, because Christ has already promised us He will answer. It is the ones who do come forward that will receive the blessing. It is the ones who are diligent that will know the true worth. It does not take us long to look for money when we lose it; why should it take so long for us to look for heavenly wisdom when we are in need of that too? Walking with God means we do have to keep up... we cannot expect Him to drag us forward as if we are in a trailer or cart; we need to be exerting effort to keep walking with Him!
Points to Ponder:
What work lead to your biggest disappointment?
Are you making sure you keep walking with Christ?
Thursday 13 Dec 2018
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