December 14: Luke 1:26-38
Key Verse: Luke 1:38
“I am the Lord’s servant,” Mary answered. “May your word to me be fulfilled.” Then the angel left her.
What a glorious event we need to praise God for! Christ was to come into this world miraculously as a human; His Father being God. Mary was worried by the words used by the angel to greet her... The angel’s words to her were to signify just how important her position was to be as the earthly mother of our Saviour and how much she would have to care for her son. God had chosen Mary because she was a virgin, proof He can and does work miracles, giving Mary a Son without her sleeping with any man. The angel wanted her to know that God had ordained this and she had no need to worry about anything; indeed her sister would also be having a child some six months before her – another miracle.
We all do worry to some extent about what we are going to call our children sometimes reading through books of names to pick one out; the angel told Mary what her child would be called because this child is someone special. His name is Jesus! He is our Saviour. He is the head of our church. He is our Creator. His name is above all names. He is the Son of God. What a stir this name causes. His name brings people to their knees. His name brings comfort and joy.
But all this is only true for those who know Him... Too many people do not know the true story of Christmas. Too many people do not know the true love that God showed us by allowing His Son to come to earth as a human being, to be lowered to our earth after being in heaven. Too many people do not know the things they do against God. Too many people do not know the price Christ had to pay so we would be able to be free.
The Christmas story has to be told. The Christmas story has to be heard. We need people to know just how much God loves us and how much He was willing to do to show us that love. We need to know what we have to do in order to get God back into our lives. What better time to start telling the story than now?
Points to Ponder:
What are you doing this year?
Are you celebrating the birth of Christ?
Friday 14 Dec 2018
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