December 25: Luke 2:8-14
Key Verse: Luke 2:14
“Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace to those on whom his favour rests.”
What has been the first thing which has happened to you on this Christmas day? Has it been the excitement of seeing all those presents and opening them up? Has it been the excitement of getting ready to go to someone else’s house to celebrate Christmas? Has it been that you have had everyone else round and you are all together? It is quite different to the day when Christ was born in Bethlehem!
Can you imagine what the shepherds must have thought – there they were, just poor shepherds living in the field, watching over their sheep when suddenly the angel of the Lord came to them! If they were not ready for things, they certainly would have been when he appeared! They would have thought of themselves as simple servants, looking after the sheep that would be being raised for sacrifice by other people who would come to them for the sheep. They were nothing special; and yet God chose them to be the first to hear of the wonderful news of Christ’s birth!
Here we are a couple of thousand years later. Some of us will be thinking about how unimportant we are and how we may well be going about our normal days work or our normal lives... This is the day when we should be remembering someone special. This is the day when we should be remembering what these poor shepherds heard about for the first time in history! The day our Saviour Jesus Christ was born!
If there is nothing else you do on this day, remember just who has made it possible for you to see this very day! Think about what Christ has done to get you thus far so that you can hear the good news that Christ was born to save you! Let us all sing praises with the heavenly host!
Tuesday 25 Dec 2018
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