December 26: Matthew 2:9-11
Key Verse: Matthew 2:11
On coming to the house, they saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him. Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh.
Isn’t Christmas wonderful! If you are looking back on yesterday and thinking about how bad it was or how stressful it was, then I fear you have not had the right sort of Christmas! It’s not about how much of a show you can put on, nor how much of a meal you can lay on the table... it’s about celebrating a very special gift from God. When you come together in that spirit, then you find that all other things become a blessing and you enjoy the whole day! Having family and friends gather together knowing that on this day (roughly) many years ago, a Saviour was born who would give us an incredible gift.
Back a few hundred years ago the day after Christmas became a day when the people that were better off would box up some of their wealth, food and belongings and give them to those that were not so well off (hence Boxing Day was born). God gave us His wonderful gift on Christmas day so that we would forever be safe in His arms; we need to take that knowledge that we have and give the gift of Christ to those who do not yet know Him. Left us take the blessing that we have been given from God and give some of them to those who are still looking, those who are wanting, those who are yet to have.
The wise men came to give some pretty amazing gifts to a family who did not have much because of the King who had been born. God was already providing for His Son before His Son could provide for the family taking care of Him. It’s not about how much we can give, or how much we can show we have... it’s about sharing the blessings that we have so that all people may know about Christ. The wise men wanted to make sure that they worshipped the new King and that many more people would get to know about that new King too. For that, they were willing to give so much. Are you willing to give so that others may know Christ too?
Points to Ponder:
Have you had a wonderful Christmas?
Have you kept Christ in Christmas this year?
Wednesday 26 Dec 2018
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