December 29: John 12:1-8
Key Verse: John 12:8
You will always have the poor among you, but you will not always have me.
How many things have you done so far this Christmas which you did not want to do or have had to do things in a different way to the way you wanted things done? None of us will always get our own way because our ways are not always the same as other people’s ways. Do you get upset when others do things differently? Are you comparing your ways (and their ways) with God’s ways? Too often we leave God out of things and we begin to let our ways mean too much getting upset when people do not do things our way...
When Jesus was in Bethany and having fellowship with the disciples at Mary and Martha’s house, Mary and Martha showed their love for Christ in very different ways. Martha did all she could to serve up the best she could for Christ and had been upset that Mary had wanted to sit and Jesus feet and simply hear His Word. Now Mary was anointing Jesus feet with a very expensive ointment of pure spikenard. Even Judas Iscariot was upset that this was not being sold for provisions instead of being used to wash Jesus feet! Martha was showing her love by serving Christ in one way and Mary was showing her love by serving Christ in another way. Both ways were fully warranted and both ways were needed. Each had their opportunity to do something for Christ and each did exactly that!
Too many times in our lives we get carried away with our own things and forget about what we could be doing for Christ. We put aside His Word and follow our own ideas; pretty soon we have lost our direction with Him and are following our own directions. Where can our directions lead us? Nowhere but an earthly destination... If we are seeking a spiritual destination then we have to seek spiritual directions and follow them. Christ will use us in very different ways, some ways which others will not like, but as long as we are doing things for God’s glory, then we are at least going in the right direction! God’s love and the love He wants us to share is far more important than money or belongings. Show some love where it is due...
Points to Ponder:
Do you get upset when people do things you don’t agree with?
How often do you do things God’s way?
Saturday 29 Dec 2018
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