December 30: Luke 12:54-59
Key Verse: Luke 12:56
Hypocrites! You know how to interpret the appearance of the earth and the sky. How is it that you don’t know how to interpret this present time?
Sometimes the weather can be quite predictable, and it is nice to know what is going to happen the next day so you can plan things... When we have a high pressure over the United Kingdom you can bet the weather will be bright and mostly dry (even if it is very cold). We like to feel we are in control and that we can predict things... How long do you think it has taken the weather people to learn to predict the weather patterns? They have studied long and hard in order to become fairly proficient at giving us an idea of what is going to happen weather-wise over the next few days; and yet they still get it wrong sometimes.
So, if they have been able to study and come up with a plan, what is stopping people from studying other things and coming up with predictions there? Well, the financial institutions have not fared too well against the market because man was involved! It is very difficult to predict what other people are going to do because each one of us has a free will and we certainly do not all think in the same way! The same can be said for predicting what people are going to do in general – we just don’t know. If only we had a manual we could read and study in order to predict people!
Even that would have its problems; each of us judge things in a different light because we each have had a different experience. And yet we do try hard to judge what is right and wrong in society – we like to think we know how other countries should be run! But still we fall short of the mark... We do have a manual for our lives. We do have past experience written down. We do have predictions of what is going to happen... and yet we continue to choose to ignore these because they do not fit in with what we want! You see, our own wants and desires take over our common sense and lead us to places where we think we will get what we want! Do you not know Satan will use exactly that to guide you away from God? Let us get back to studying God’s Word so that we can know the truth and follow it!
Points to Ponder:
Do you think you could suggest ways for your country to fix its economy?
Do you know what God has asked you to do?
Sunday 30 Dec 2018
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