May 24: Romans 5:6-8
Key Verse: Romans 5:6
You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly.
This is probably the most important part of God’s love which we need to be reminded of – especially when our lives are being turned upside-down with the pandemic situation! This is how God loved us even before we got to know Him! Have you ever ‘fallen in love instantly?’ Not that this can be compared to the love of God, but you know how it changes your life and eventually the life of the other person if you get together. It’s that point I want to focus on – how your life will change when you reciprocate a bit of that love God showed you first of all!
It’s not like we had to do anything to get God to love us – something I see so much of around me and something I find a bit disturbing. We may be able to fool other humans into believing we care for them for a while, but the truth eventually comes out. We cannot really hide from the love of God because He has shown His love for us from the beginning and has done some pretty amazing things to try and convince us of His love… even before we got to know Him!
God knows what we are like. He knows all the bad things we get up to and He knows what is going on in our hearts and minds; yet His love for us knows no bounds and continues to be poured out on us. We don’t have to sort ourselves out before He can love us. We don’t have to make sacrifices before He loves us… He loved us from the beginning and that was when we were powerless to do anything about that love! Jesus died for us even though we were doing things against Him!
We may think we would protect our nearest and dearest even by giving our lives for them, but would we do that for our enemies? Would you willingly give your life so your worst enemy could live? That is what Jesus did for us! That is the awesomeness and faithfulness of Christ’s love for us!
Points to Ponder:
What do you do for the people you love?
Do you know how much Christ has done for you already?
Sunday 24 May 2020
Hits: 480