May 25: Matthew 18:12-14
Key Verse: Matthew 18:13
And if he finds it, truly I tell you, he is happier about that one sheep than about the ninety-nine that did not wander off.
How many of your friends are always there for you and how many of them just seem to come and go when it suits them? I know this is a harsh thing to say and I know there are so many reasons why we all ‘come and go’ in friendship circles, so generalising is not encouraged! But there is a friend who will never leave your friend circle and who will always come and find you when you go off and get lost! That friend is Christ!
In our societies we often look at the profit margin rather than in our hearts when it comes to business decisions – but people’s souls have nothing to do with business decisions, or at least they should not have! God does not weigh up things and see where and when the most profitable time and place will be to gain the most souls! God seeks out every single soul, leaving none alone!
This is so aptly told in the parable of the lost sheep where the shepherd is looking after 100 sheep, notices one of them has wandered off, leaves the 99 safer sheep and goes off to find that one lost sheep. He knows those 99 are going to be safe because He knows each one of them. Often as Christians we get down-hearted because we think God is not listening or we think He has wandered off to do something else… These times are when He has faith in us, knowing we are strong enough to continue going while He makes a detour to find another lost sheep!
God does not want to see any one of us wander off and get lost. As Christians we need to stick together to keep each other safe from the world; we need to encourage each other knowing we are in the fold where we are safe. God is not leaving us alone and He certainly is not turning our backs on us; just maybe He has made a detour to find the single lost person and wants you to be strong and loving to welcome them in when He returns with them!
Points to Ponder:
Do you get tired of just being a Christian?
DO you know God is trusting you with Christianity to be ready for the next one?
Monday 25 May 2020
Hits: 430