July 12: 2 Corinthians 10:7-11
Key Verse: 2 Corinthians 10:11
Such people should realize that what we are in our letters when we are absent, we will be in our actions when we are present.
No matter who we are, we belong to Christ. Whether we acknowledge this and live with Christ in our hearts is another thing. What none of us have is the right to put down others or abuse others. When we do, we are putting down a child of God!
It is easy to pre-judge people by the way they look or by what you have heard about them, but meeting them and communicating properly with them will allow you to see who they are and even why they are that way. God may well have chosen us first of all, but He does not give us the authority to put anyone down just because we think or act differently to them. You only have to look around the world to see just how different we are from our neighbours, in fact you probably only have to look next door to see the differences in any of our big cities around the world.
If you are honest with yourself you will admit to being different to the way you talk sometimes. We may well have the courage to talk about something but not to carry out the actions in front of others. I count myself very lucky I have not worries about writing down my feelings about God and also being able to be open to others about Him. Many may not have the courage to do the actions even though they can talk about them; to them I say, continue talking and don’t worry about doing just yet… your time will come when God knows you are ready!
Don’t worry about not being able to meet in church buildings and sing out to God as one choir – stay at home and worship God in your silence or on your own. He knows what you get up to and He will acknowledge you in just the same way as He acknowledges someone who is the public figure of the church. God has put some people in positions of authority because He knows they are ready for the role He asks of them. He may well give you the authority to write down your feelings instead of talking about them… write...
Points to Ponder:
Are you finding it difficult to ‘connect with God in lockdown?’
Will you step up and worship Him from your heart in private?
Sunday 12 Jul 2020
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