July 13: Psalm 119:105-112
Key Verse: Psalm 119:112
My heart is set on keeping your decrees to the very end.
What do you see your bible as? Do you see it as a book of rules which you have to keep because that is what God has said? Perhaps you see it as a guide book which should be read as a life story. Perhaps you see it as the absolute truth and something you can always go back to. Whatever you view of the bible, I do hope you see it as a light in your life which will guide you in some way or another!
These words were written hundreds of years before Jesus came to be with mankind in human form, probably at a time when the views were beginning to change as to the outlook of the scriptures – none of the New Testament existed then and these words were only just being written down. Two things stand out to me and I would like you to go away with these thoughts in your hearts.
The first is the scriptures are a lamp by which you can see your way forward. What do you see the first few moments when you switch off the lights? Nothing… blackness… and if you are walking when the lights do go out, you probably want to stop and wait for your eyes to adjust to the new light level so you don’t fall over anything in your path. We do need a bit of light to see our paths, but the better the light source, the more confident we can be about walking forward without tripping up.
The second point has to be what you do with the scriptures. God has made sure these scriptures, both Old and New Testaments have survived throughout time and have been reproduced in many different languages all around the world. The bible has made its way into countries which have banned its publication and continues to be a world wide best seller. Now, what are you going to do with your bible? Are you going to read it and put it down like a novel, or will you read it and keep the words in your heart so you can live a better life?
Points to Ponder:
How many times do you pick up a bible a week?
What do you do with the words of the bible?
Monday 13 Jul 2020
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