December 1: Isaiah 26 3-4
Key Verse: Isaiah 26 3
You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you.
The prophet talks here about a day which is to come when God will make it possible for everyone to be able to live with the peace of God; for each person who will accept the gift and live for God, their life will be assured in heaven. Unfortunately this does not mean the world is going to leave us alone to live in peace and comfort from this moment on – we still live in a world which is bound up by sin.
Even though we live in this sinful world, we can find peace and we can live a life away from the sins of the world; it just seems hard because the evil one is going to be throwing all manner of things our way to try and persuade us this is not the case. In fact, we may find it more difficult for a season whilst he does throw those fiery darts at us, but we can know and should remember the peace and eternal life we will enjoy in heaven with God.
This is all made possible through the blood of Jesus, the blood He was willing to shed just because He loves us so very much! We have touched on how sacrifices had to be made, blood had to be shed, but it did not have to be our own blood in the end – Christ willingly gave His life and His blood for us. We do need to remember this because it should stir us up and enable us to share this good news with many more people who do not yet know Christ as their Saviour.
It is not a case of saying yes and moving on in your life. When we say yes, it is a covenant set up between God and us; a promise which will never be broken. We can and should place all of our hope and trust in Him because of this covenant. With Christ we can do so much more in our lives and the lives of people around us. He gives us strength to face up to the things of the world and strength to say “no” to the evil one.
Points to Ponder:
Do you know this peace?
Do you fully trust in Christ?