May 20: Colossians 3 5-10

Key Verse: Colossians 3 9
Do not lie to each other, since you have taken off your old self with its practices

How often do you tell a white lie to get away from doing something or to get away from taking the blame for something you have done? I have always tried to make sure I tell the truth, but I know there are many times when I have not told the truth just because it was more suitable for me to not do so! This is the life we are trying to leave behind as we move forward with God in our lives – but it is not as easy as dropping off our dirty laundry at the cleaners and getting on with our lives!

Whenever I say something like that I stop and think about what I have said, not because it is profound or anything, but because of the gravity of what I have just dared to write down on paper! It also makes me think of the people who have jobs where they cannot help but get dirty during their work; my mind goes back to movies I have seen about people who have worked in coal mines and they have come home looking rather blackened with the coal dust. Nothing that a good wash cannot take away – but that image sticks in my mind!

God is so much more than the dirt we carry round in our lives. He is so much more than the residue we have on us because of the lives we live. Whether we live those lives by choice or just because we don’t have a choice, God is still there and still able to take ultimate care of us! There is no sin greater than the forgiveness and faithfulness of our God. There is nothing we can do which will prevent God from being here for us. Yes, we have a choice to ask God into our lives or not, but He is still there, waiting!

So let us put aside the lies of this world for as long as we can, starting here and now. I know this may not last too long for many of us because of the world we are surrounded by, but we can at least start again. Jesus was faithful to go to that cross so our sins could be forgiven once and for all. He has already done that so we do not have to continue on in our sins any longer. Be brave. Ask God to help you change.

Points to Ponder:
How often do you lie?

Will you try start afresh again?