Friday 24 Jun 2011

Friday Reading: Proverbs 3 27-28

Key Verse: Proverbs 3 28

28  Do not say to your neighbour, Go and come back again, and tomorrow I will give; when you have it beside you:


One of those questions that I get asked a lot is “is it a sin to withhold the truth?” and people will always back that up with “well I am not actually telling a lie…” Sadly, if they have to ask a question like that then they are not as close to God as they thought they were. It would be a difficult question for a non-Christian to answer because so much of our society would support the fact that it is better to withhold the truth when you think it is better for the other party. That is not what God tells us to do…

When God gave us the commandments it was no little thing that He told us to love Him before everything else; furthermore Christ upheld that by reminding us that we need to love God with every part of us and not just as a ‘say so’. If we are then going to love Him with our hearts and minds then we definitely need to take heed of all of His commandments with the same gusto; with our whole heart and mind. That means that when we read the commandment that we should not bear false witness it does not mean that we can bend the rules so that we fit in with the exact words of the statement but rather that we follow the spirit of the commandment.

So next time we are faced with the situation of telling the truth we need to stop and think about how much God means to us. God wants us to follow His commandments because we love Him; not because they are the 10 Commandments. God wants us to love our neighbours just like we love ourselves. We do not knowingly lie to ourselves (yes we do get carried away and stop thinking now and again and end up fooling ourselves) so why should we lie to others. We always like to know the whole truth so why should we withhold that same truth from others? Allow them to make the choice just as Christ has given us the whole truth and allows us to make our own choices!

Points to Ponder:

Do you withhold the truth from others?

Are you treating God right?

Thursday 23 Jun 2011

Thursday Reading: Acts 16 6-10

Key Verse: Acts 16 10

10  And after he saw the vision, we immediately tried to go into Macedonia, gathering that the Lord had called us in order to preach the gospel to them.


Paul was a man who was doing everything against God that He could until God spoke to him. From that moment on he realised that God was in charge and that where God wanted him to go, he should be going. Sometimes that was not where he thought he should be going as in this short passage; but when God spoke, he listened!

Sometimes it is hard for us to listen to who is in charge because we like to get into doing our own things. Sometimes it is hard to change our ways of doing things when God asks us because we are so used to doing things our way and are so comfortable in doing things our own way that we are ‘far too settled’ to do anything about it. Being satisfied in what Christ has for us is a big thing for Christians, but being too satisfied in what we already have and not looking for what God has in store for us is not a good thing.

We need to take a leaf out of Paul’s book and be ready to listen to God no matter what He has in store for us. Is it going to take Him to confront us on the road like it did Paul before we listen, or are we going to set ourselves apart from the world and listen to what He has in store for us? If we continue to envelope ourselves in the things of this world then we may well miss out on what God has to say to us and we may well miss out on what is in store for us. God wants us to continue growing with Him day by day and not to get too comfortable in our own ideals. Paul certainly had to put up with a lot, but he did so because God wanted him there… How else would we know such things if someone else had not already been through this in our stead? Do we really want God to have to go through this with every Christian in person just so that we will do His will? I hope not!

Points to Ponder:

Do you listen to those in charge?

What do you expect God to do to get you moving?

Wednesday 22 Jun 2011

Wednesday Reading: John 15 14

Key Verse: John 15 14

14  You are My friends if you do whatever I command you.


This is not a statement demanding that we do everything that Christ has said – though that in itself would be the best idea – but rather Christ expanding on what was said earlier in this chapter and what He would have us know. Friends do more for each other than just standing around and talking. Friends DO things for each other because that is what is in their hearts to do. Friends volunteer for things when others shy away. Friends are willing to take that extra step when other will not.

Christ was trying to get people to understand just how much love there is in the world and how much more we can exercise that love if we are willing to show it. Love does not mean that we have to separate ourselves from everyone else but the one we love. Love means that we should be willing to step forward and do things at all times without having to be called out and asked. Christ did not go to the cross because we begged Him to do so but rather that He wanted to and willingly went forward for our benefit.

That is how Christ would have us treat Him. We should be willing to do things for Him and be willing to work for Him without having to be asked to step forward and do it. The stopping point is that we did not know the things of God so He made sure that everything was given to us and written down first. That is then His commandments. It is not that we must obey Him because He has written it down but rather that we do His Commandments because we want to do what is right for Him. It is our choice and a choice that we should be willing to undertake with our whole hearts.

Points to Ponder:

Do you like helping your friends?

How often do you obey God?

Tuesday 21 Jun 2011

Tuesday Reading: John 15 1-8 

Key Verse: John 15 4

4  Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself unless it remains in the vine, so neither can you unless you abide in Me.


One thing I am not is a good gardener; all plants that come my way probably build up a fear for me! Despite that I am able to grow a few things and not to kill every plant that I am given. I don’t know that the reason for my lack of horticultural skills is because everyone else in my family seems to be able to cope! I believe my skills lie not in the physical care of plants but in the spiritual care of others because that is what I enjoy most of all.

When Jesus described Himself as the True Vine it was no to do with anything about being a plant but rather the chain of nourishment that is required. I never did do much biology at school but do understand that plants need nourishment and that comes from the ground up through the trunk and gets distributed as required. Just as our bodies are able to distribute goodness around themselves after we consume food, so plants distribute the required nutrients after food is given to them via their roots. If those roots are removed or the trunk removed, the plant may well starve unless re-seated in the correct environment.

Christ is the environment in which we can thrive because it is through Him that we will gain everything that we require. If we cut Him out of our lives then we should expect nothing other than to wither and die. If we do not have Him in our lives then we will end up being like a tree that has lost its food source and turns to nothing but firewood. The speed at which a very dry tree will burn when placed in fire is quite remarkable with nothing but ash being left to show for a once grand element. If we want to grow and flourish then we do need Christ to be at the centre of our lives where we can then gain the most from Him and survive the harsh land that we live in.

Points to Ponder:

How are your gardening skills?

Are you depending on Christ?

Monday 20 Jun 2011

Monday Reading: Ephesians 3 20-21

Key Verse: Ephesians 3 20

20  Now to Him who is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us,


Paul’s letter to the Ephesians has so many encouraging words but always makes sure that they are reminded about just who God is. Paul had no illusions that he served a God that was anything other than the Creator of Heaven and Earth; and with that knowledge he reminded everyone that God is able to do anything. If God is able to turn our lives round from being the rebels that we were to being Christians as we are, then do you not think that He would be able to do anything that He pleases?

Just because we serve a God who is able to do anything does not mean that we have to fear Him because of His Awesome power… Maybe I did not say that right – we do not have to fear God just because He is all powerful but rather because He is the one and only God! We should fear and serve Him because He is able to do anything but we must also lift Him up because of all that He is willing to do for us. If He was willing to save us from the terrible lives that we led before knowing Him then just think how much more He is willing to do for us as we serve Him in righteousness.

Christ came to give His life for our sins so that we would be able to live a life with Him and for Him. He did not do any of this in vain but rather so that we may grow in His power and glorify Him through everything that we do. Christ has achieved more than we at first realise by going to that cross and we need to be reminded of that fact because we often forget it or water it down. Christ’s achievement is more than we know; because of that we need to glorify Him in everything in our lives!

Points to Ponder:

How do you react to people who do things for you?

Are you giving Christ the glory He deserves?